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StoneRiver Vineyards 2015 Tempranillo judged 1 of 10 Best NW Wines at SF Chronicle Wine Competition

Updated: Nov 29, 2019

The 2019 San Francisco Chronicle International Wine Competition judged StoneRiver Vineyards' 2015 Tempranillo to be one of the 10 best Northwest Wines in 2019.

The 10 best Northwest Wines were selected from 180 "Best in Class" award winners chosen out of 7,162 entries judged in the competition.. Three of the 10 best Northwest Wines "Best in Class" awards went to Oregon wines and seven went to Washington wines.

A to Z Winework's 2017 Pinot Noir was one of the three 10 best Northwest Wines from Oregon.. StoneRiver Vineyards has been providing A to Z Wineworks with premium estate grown Pinot Noir grapes from the Rogue Valley since 2013 and is proud to be a part of their winning team.

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